Courting Danger: The Perilous State Of Indian Courtrooms And The Failure Of Law Enforcement; Why Delhi Police Is Unable To Maintain Law And Order?
An incident that happened yesterday, caught on camera, showed a man dressed as a lawyer chasing and firing at the woman he had sued on the court premises. Shockingly, none of the lawyers present at the court intervened to stop the violence. In fact, one would be astounded to see that in the video of the case, a man dressed in a white shirt and black trousers who is just behind the shooter leaning against a wall, continues to do so without breaking his stand, casually watching as this entire bizarre, harrowing show unfolds in front of him! If courtrooms, which are supposed to be the pillars of justice, are not safe, then it raises questions about the state of law and order in the entire country and where were the Delhi Police Personnel?

The courtrooms in India, which should ideally be a place of justice, have increasingly become a playground for violence and lawlessness. The recent incident where a woman was shot inside a Delhi court complex is just another addition to the alarming rise in violence inside court premises in the national capital.
However, this is not the first incident of violence in a court in India. In fact, previous incidents show that courtrooms in India are not safe for anyone, not even lawyers.
The jaw-dropping incident clearly caught on camera depicts the harrowing few minutes where the woman can be evidently seen running away from her assailant, dodging an array of bullets intended for her, even as she is hit three times.
All this, even as lawyers and people are seen watching, while some are running away from the scene, others continue to watch without breaking their momentum or even moving from their place, all this as the terrified woman, shot multiple times, is heard screaming in anguish!
In fact, one would be astounded to see that in the video of the case, a man dressed in a white shirt and black trousers who is just behind the shooter leaning against a wall, continues to do so without breaking his stand, casually watching as this entire bizarre, harrowing show unfolds in front of him!
However, one understands the gravity of the situation considering that the incident took place a good five-ten minute duration, and not a single police personnel was seen during these minutes or in a single frame of the video.
Where And What – Delhi Police?
A courtroom is not a casual pool party – free for all – it is a highly vulnerable place where security should be adequately provided with no room for error!
But what yesterday’s incident has shown is that it is indeed a place where casualty and casualness are both highlighted, and it is astounding, to say the least, that even with a single shot fired should have been enough for the Delhi police personnel to rush in!
The Delhi Police, which is responsible for providing security inside court premises, has also come under scrutiny and should be questioned and held accountable for its failure to prevent such incidents. Despite having a substantial force, the Delhi Police has been unable to provide adequate security inside court premises, leading to such incidents of violence.
Important Witnesses, Can Be Killed At Courtrooms?
A courtroom is a place where justice is served, and it should ideally instil a sense of security and confidence in the people who are there as witnesses, fighting legal cases, or seeking justice. People should feel that they are in a safe and secure environment where their rights will be protected and justice will be served.
Witnesses may be hesitant to come forward and testify, and victims may not feel safe seeking justice. This can lead to a situation where criminals can operate with impunity, and justice is not served.
However, the increasing incidents of violence inside court premises in India have shattered this notion of security and confidence. If courtrooms, which are supposed to be the pillars of justice, are not safe, then it raises questions about the state of law and order in the entire country.
Where Are We Safe?
Such incidents of violence can have a profound impact on people’s faith in the justice system.
It is essential to address this issue seriously and take concrete steps to ensure the safety and security of people inside court premises. This would involve a comprehensive approach that includes better security arrangements, stricter adherence to rules and regulations, and better coordination between law enforcement agencies.
Ultimately, the feeling that a courtroom should give to people who are there as witnesses, fighting legal cases, or seeking justice is that of safety, security, and confidence that justice will be served. It is the responsibility of the authorities to ensure that this feeling is instilled in people and they can trust the justice system to protect their rights and serve justice.
So Many Cases And Yet No Action By Delhi Police?
In September last year, two gunmen who were dressed as lawyers fired multiple bullets at gangster Jitender Maan alias Gogi inside a courtroom in Rohini. Police personnel retaliated, allegedly killing the two on the spot. In April of the same year, an incident of gun firing was reported at the Rohini court following a fight between two advocates and their client.
In another incident in southwest Delhi’s Dwarka, a lawyer was shot dead by two men on a bike who had posed as lawyers to enter the court. The audacity of criminals to commit crimes against lawyers is increasing, and it is a matter of grave concern.
The petition filed in the Delhi High Court seeking safety for legal professionals highlights the fear and concern that they face. The petitioners expressed that if the “Advocates Protection Act” is not passed in Delhi, the situation will only worsen. The petitioners’ concern is justified as the incidents of violence inside court premises are increasing day by day.
But it is not just about the protection of lawyers; what about everyday citizens and witnesses?
The Problem Areas
The problem with the increasing incidents of violence inside court premises in India cannot be attributed to a single factor. There could be multiple factors that contribute to such incidents.
Lack Of Proper Security: One of the primary reasons is the lack of proper security arrangements inside the court premises. Despite being a sensitive area, the security arrangements inside court premises are often inadequate, making it easier for criminals to enter and cause havoc.
Flouting Of Rules And Regulations By Lawyers: Another factor could be the flouting of rules and regulations by lawyers themselves. Lawyers often enter court premises without proper identification, thereby bypassing police checks. This makes it easier for criminals to enter the court premises disguised as lawyers and carry out their nefarious activities.
Political Clout: Moreover, the political connections between lawyers and criminals are also a matter of concern. In many instances, lawyers have been found to have political connections with influential people, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to take action against them.
The Delhi Police is solely responsible for providing security inside court premises, but with the number of such cases being reported increasing, it has put the Delhi Police under scrutiny for its failure to prevent such incidents. Despite having a substantial force, the Delhi Police has been unable to provide adequate security inside court premises, leading to such incidents of violence.
In conclusion, the problem with the increasing incidents of violence inside court premises in India is a multifaceted one. It requires a comprehensive approach that involves proper security arrangements, stricter adherence to rules and regulations by lawyers, and better coordination between law enforcement agencies to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.
It is high time that courtrooms in India are heavily guarded to instil a sense of security for those fighting their legal cases. The incidents of violence show that courtrooms in India are nothing more than a playground for criminals. The authorities must take immediate action to ensure the safety of all those present on the court premises, whether lawyers or litigants.