Over the past week, the UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has claimed there is no shortage of facilities at any private or public Covid-19 hospitals across the state. The outrage over the government’s handling of the pandemic has got vigilantly observed on social media pages. Internet community blogging platform Twitter has removed around 52 posts alleging the government for its misdeeds towards integrating and complying with the needs of the Indian citizens.
The extent of the mass frustration related to the coronavirus following orders from the ruling government has been massive. Now agitating over the incompetence, he, along with his party, has issued a directive under the National Security Act. While talking about the conception with several editors of the newspapers, he expressed emphasis against anti-social elements involved in the black marketing of medicines. The condescending and abysmal frame of mind of the government got reflected while it instituted a stubborn law.
It is an act of confiscation seized by the government when thousands of people dying due to the shortage of oxygen. How insensitive and atrocious the ruling party could be in enacting laws against the community when its proficiency in addressing the issue has been far-fetched erroneous. He asserted to seize the property of those spreading the rumors on the microblogging sites. There is a presumption within the government ranks that the underlying reality might get manifested to the citizens.
The government bestowing facade data over the oxygen’s availability has been the storyline over the past few weeks. Nothing should get away our attention from the susceptible activities of the government. Lately, the debatable point has been in finding the reality and the engrossers of dwindling such information. The audacity to speak up about the adequate supply when the hospitals in Noida, Ghaziabad, and Meerut get reporting hours of oxygen supply left is bizarre. Have the State governments followed the footsteps of the Centre and left the citizens hung out to dry?
Government Steeped to Hypocrite Level By Alleging the Citizens
Amid reports of patients struggling it out for their lives in the private hospitals, the government authorities lay underground ignoring the crippling cries and pains. Instead of procuring funds towards substantial supply, the governments are proposing the officials take strict action against those who are not transmitting false narratives through social media platforms. If the actual problem is black marketing and hoarding, then the policy of acquiring oxygen directly from the suppliers should have worked wonders. But that wasn’t the primitive stumbling block.
The government initiated propaganda that the farmers’ protests indulged and interfered in transporting oxygen cylinders to the states. Going to the staggering level of hypocrisy, even after asserting sufficient supply, why are the doctors coming out in agony and requesting the government. The allegations posted on the citizens are indeed a way to pile up the ongoing misery.
While we keep on hearing organizations helping their level best to improve the situation, they inevitably know in detail about the current scenario than the so-called political leaders. The fact of the matter is by collaborating it with officials to take strict action, and are leaving their legacy bestowed down.
Book The Alleged People For Spreading Furphy Under the NSA
As per the information conveyed by a government spokesperson, the UP government has been varying the perspective of punishing people spreading lies. The facts under the cosh for a long are on the verge of unmasking the downright failure. And the situation which hasn’t improved for months is threatening the authorities. The conception of taking strict action aroused when Mr. Adityanath referred to a private hospital that had ascertained a shortage of oxygen a few days ago.
On verifying, it got found that the hospital was working assiduously on oxygen concentration. Whether the government was turning agitated with rumors surfacing or the strategy got implemented on the brink of hiding the supply shortage is swirling across journalists. He further blamed the citizens, where he said that the word on the street swirling across media houses constantly increased the fear among the public. It could be a pathway or a rollout to shift away from the attention from the system. It gets rumored that the officials believe that spreading lies is a way to tarnish the image of the government.
Directions have bequeathed to all the districts to lodge the FIR and integrate strict action against susceptible individuals. Claims by people for not getting the oxygen cylinders have been reverberated by a police officer at the Murari Gas Station in Lucknow. He propounded that around 500 people have conspired to their misery of not getting their loved ones admitted at the hospitals. The hospitals have ramified that they no longer could instill patients as they already face a menacing risk of condescending with many lives due to a shortage of respiratory oxygen.
According to the Gangster Act proposed by the ruling party in Uttar Pradesh, the pleaded guilty would be facing comprehending penal charges. However, accusing people who talk about oxygen shortage and deliberately are willing to cooperate at the time of crisis is lamentable. We hope that the UP Chief Minister stops playing hardball and diverts their resources towards curbing the spread of the virus.
In a press release, Mr. Adityanath asserted that the State Police have taken the cue and launched a campaign against people black marketing and hoarding medicine and oxygen cylinders. Some official accounts got traced, and Prashant Kumar, ADG, Law, and Order, said some unscrupulous elements were indulging in rumor-mongering. Yogi Adityanth himself has been under the grip of the virus and said that it is not viable to treat the disease as a normal viral fever.
While adjourning the threat, he expressed that these rumors are causing potent distress and are not a good indicator of the government’s reputation. Contradicting his appeal to the citizens not to spread tittle-tattle, he asserted that the oxygen is provided to the needy while the situation is just the opposite. The chief minister claimed that the state has been well-honed to deal with the Covid-19 crisis.
The Roadmap Ahead in Handling the Crisis of UP
Yogi Adityanath, while addressing the journalists, said that the Covid-19 is turning towards a menacing surge, and the people shouldn’t put their guard off. The government is putting arrangements in place for oxygen plants in government institutions. Work is in progress to set up new 31 oxygen plants across the state, out of which 18 of those will get based on the DRDO‘s latest technology. Even when the demand for Remedisivir injections is popping up across individuals, and they are pillorying across hospitals to arrange them.
The government is making bearings that the shortage only confiscates in rumors spread by the citizens. There has been a multitude of reports filed by Covid-19 patients over the scantiness of oxygen concentration. The interview further progressed the information of an oxygen audit by the UP government. It comes up with an inaugural plan in collaboration with IIT Kanpur, IIM Lucknow, and IIT BHU in properly monitoring oxygen.
Previously, on multiple occasions, we have seen the state government introducing ineffective websites which do not show explicit information on oxygen availability and supply. What makes us think that the roadmap ahead to inaugurate oxygen plants will be a sure short success? The doubts are creeping up again and causing havoc across hospitals, doctors, and citizens.
On April 21, an order got surveyed by Adityanath’s Government prohibiting the supply of oxygen, barring those in extreme health conditions. The order has disseminated the interests of the vast majority who have to spend large bulks to refill their cylinders. Referring to the hoarding of oxygen supply, the UP government issued a regulatory prescription for buying oxygen. The set price of accruing the oxygen supply is estimated to be around Rs. 45,000, and the middle-class community cannot be confined to afford it.
The government order does not extend their support to the people in home isolation as they do not get categorized as vulnerable patients. Piling up the misery, the people found refilling the oxygen cylinders at a gas plant in Lucknow were arrested by the local police authorities. The order was a menacing one as even the patients having an emergency prescription from the doctors and government hospitals were utterly ignored by the gas plants.
The police officers are burdened and have their hands tied; in not allowing the patients to enter the gas plants. The pre-dominance of the UP government shows that they have let the citizens hung out to die when they are pledging for their lives at the hospitals. The scenario has worsened so copiously, and the politicians don’t have the slightest of concern.
The government has Stamped its Ascendancy in Wrong Actions.
Besides, the UP government punished the citizens, but it seems that the word is being spread across social media platforms. It shows that the politicians have stamped its ascendancy in diverting the epicenter of focus towards people talking about the crisis of Covid-19. Meanwhile, government sources said the IT Ministry, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Home Affairs, reverberated to the social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to remove posts alleging the government and heavily criticizing it for its complacency in worsened woes.
The order was directed to prevent obstructions in the scrimmage against Covid-19. The country gets grappling its way appealing to people through social media and spreading awareness to the high coverage platform. The question remains that why to stamp its supremacy by implementing such tactics when significantly the hospitals and the patients need the government’s peculiar attention. The order got issued as the government saw some visuals, communally sensitive posts, and misinformation according to their jurisdiction about COVID-19 protocols that could hurt their integrity. Even if so it does, the government’s stance will sure short be unruffled as it does not care about the well-being of the citizens.