
Atul Subhash’s Case- Will It Become The Perfect Example For Injustice?

What a masterclass in judicial procedure we’re witnessing in Indian Justice System!

Let’s appreciate how beautifully the system worked in Atul Subhash’s case – like a well-oiled machine designed to grind hope into despair. His wife, bless her heart, was simply following the time-honored tradition of our legal system: when in doubt, file every possible case and let the courts sort it out (eventually, perhaps in another lifetime, because everyone know how much time a case takes in case of Indian Judiciary)

And if we speak of following procedures, let’s talk about Family Court Judge, Rita Kaushik, who is highlighted as a special mention in this tragedy. Here’s someone who perfectly exemplified how to handle family disputes – by apparently asking for a bribe, as mentioned in decease’s letter. But why blame her? She was merely following the system’s grand tradition of treating human lives as case numbers and emotional trauma as just another day at the office.

Now the ball is now in the Supreme Court. What a delightful menu of options the judges has! Will the judge choose Option A: pretend this is all a terrible misunderstanding? Or perhaps Option B: channel the spirit of “No one killed Jessica” and declare that Atul Subhash‘s death was just an unfortunate coincidence? Or maybe – and this can be your favorite – Option C: deliver a magnificent sermon about the sanctity of marriage and family values, sprinkled with Sanskrit shlokas and philosophical musings, while carefully avoiding any actual accountability?

Atul Subhash Justice

The media circus surrounding this case is particularly entertaining. We have the wife, naturally, denying all allegations – because heaven forbid anyone actually admit responsibility in our legal system. Meanwhile, Indian men are coming forward with their own horror stories about misused marital laws. Even the Supreme Court has acknowledged that Section 498A IPC and domestic violence laws are among the most abused in our legal arsenal. What an achievement! We’ve managed to turn protective legislation into weapons of mass destruction for families.

But here’s where the plot thickens like a poorly written courtroom drama. In the same judicial system where a teenager in a fancy Porsche can kill two people and get bail faster than an e-commerce delivery order, we’re supposed to maintain our faith in justice? Isn’t it a joke! And not even a funny one at that.

The public’s retreat to social media for justice isn’t just a trend – it’s a damning indictment of our legal system. When the temples of justice become more like bureaucratic mazes, people will naturally seek alternative platforms. After all, what’s a citizen to do when the system that’s supposed to protect them seems more interested in protecting its own antiquated procedures?

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Let’s not forget the most tragically ironic part of this story: the allegations against the family court Judge Rita Kaushik come from someone who is no longer alive to pursue them. In any sane system, this would warrant immediate investigation. But in our legal system, it will probably join the ever-growing pile of “pending matters” that gather dust in some forgotten corner of a courthouse.

The real problem in this place not just 1 case of Atul Subhash’s death, rather it paves the way to the fact that it’s the death of faith in our judicial system. When people turn to social media for justice, they’re not wrong; they’re desperate. They’re screaming into the void because the halls of justice have become echo chambers of indifference.

So here we stand, pathetically witnessing another sad story been displayed in the grand theater of Indian justice. Don’t you think that the script is familiar, the actors well-rehearsed, and the ending predictable(of long years for waiting justice). Will the Supreme Court break this cycle? Will someone finally acknowledge that perhaps, just perhaps, our legal system needs more than just cosmetic reforms? 

Don’t hold your breath, though. In this grand production of “Justice: The Indian Edition,” the only guaranteed outcome is that justice delayed is justice denied – unless, of course, you happen to be a teenager with a Porsche. Then it’s express service all the way!

Jokes apart, now things are getting head over heels. IPC have no mention about the traumas of men, neither the new BNS have! Are these Indian men, who are mostly carrying the baggage of taxes and running the wheels of economy, deserve justice?

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It’s high time, we need to re-define the meaning of equality, or else, somewhere after few decades, we will hear words like Masculinism (like Feminism) or Men Empowerment (inspiring from Women empowerment), and eventually, we would be left in a vicious loop of real empowerment for the betterment of society!

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